So, It is my third day at work here at the Gulf Coast Community Design Center, and i am finishing my first house this morning. Woah, things move fast. I just got some batteries so i will be posting some pictures soon.
The food down here is great. There is a large vietnamese population down here and that mixed with the cajun population makes for some interesting combinations. Yesterday i had a vietnamese chicken poboy. It is called Ga Roti. It was served on a po boy bun but it was spiced very interstingly and had carots, rice noodles, and cilantro on it. It was awesome. and it was only 2.50. I am also a fan of the rare beef noodle soup which has rice noodles and thinly sliced raw beef, that is cooked by the heat of the broth. It is served with a plate of mung beans, fresh jalopenos, fresh cilantro, fresh basil and a lime. Wow, that stuff is amazing.
Last night i set up my tent inside the tent. I could stay inside the big Hands On building, but I have chosen to be out side in the big Army tents so i can have my own personal space. I set up my tent my brother gave me a few years ago, blew up my air mattress, and made my bed. My own little home. Yeah!!!!!
I have also found the local bar, called the Pub, and located next door to the hands on headquarters. Cindy the bartender already knows my drink, and even gave me a flashlight last night. She's so nice.
I also signed up for a gym last night. I dont really feel safe walking around my neighborhood at night by my self, and i need that release, so i signed up at the worlds gym. I was a bit skeptical about joining such a large gym, but my worries were overrided this morning when i arrived and they have free coffee. They also have hot showers that dont have a 4 minute time limit. and they are open 24 hours. so... sweet! got my shower, my coffee and my workout all in one building.
So thats about it for now. i hope to have pictures tomorrw.