The day before yesterday, my mom surprised me with a trip to New York City! Ahhh... Well, i kind of knew that it was a possibility, but i did not know for sure that i was going until day before yesterday! Obviously I am really looking forward to spending a few days in a big city with my momma! I leave in 2 days!
I will be getting there a day early, and i will be staying with a friend of a friend. I have met this man before, once, and he seemed like a fun person. I have since heard a lot about him, which makes me both more excited and a little nervous.
This is the guy i am staying with: Gio Gaynor, Batman Underpants, and Broken Hearts
I am actually not nervous at all. I am super excited. He reminds me of my friend Dan. Which means that there is probably some kind of trouble we are going to get into.
I talked to him on the phone last night to get his address. It was super awkward, in a very funny way. This should not be surprising, because i am pretty awkward in almost every way.
On another note... I want to take a shower. I would also like to wash my dishes, which are beginning to pile up. I can do neither, because i do not have a working hot water heater. I have not had one all week. The repair men came yesterday( they were supposed to come the day before) and they took this big piece of metal with pipes coming out of it, out of my hot water heater and told me that they would hopefully have it today, and to have a nice afternoon. I was sad, because that was a bunch of stuff to take out of a water heater it seemed, and i want to take a bath!!!! I took a shower at my neighbor's house yesterday, today i am going to skip it. hopefully i will have a water heater tonight. *tear running down my face*
alright, well in other news.... I am taking the shrimp house to permit tomorrow! that is pretty exciting. I also have two more houses in the line up, but i will write more about those in other posts, i was just giving you a heads up!
Off to take deloris on a bike ride!!!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
The day after thanksgiving things i am thankful list
So, i know in one of my last posts i said i would make a extra special thanksgiving, things i am thankful for list. Well I was busy, so i will do it today.
I am thankful that it is getting cold outside, for the 3 turkeys i got to nibble off of yesterday, for Mary Poppins, for getting to see three of the people i love the most this week, Gabby, Abby and Dan.
I am thankful for getting to make 2 stupid short movies in Jackson, for grass angels, that the Jackson Museum of Art (or what ever they call that thing) has free admission, for Rainbow Supermarket, and for indian food. I am thankful that gas is still affordable, so i am able to go on adventures.
I am thankful that i have a really good friend on the coast. I am thankful for the camping trip, the shooting star, smores, conan, for ultimate frisbee, bad movies, for pomegranates, boiled peanuts, trips to alabama, and our trip to New Orleans. I am thankful for our study sessions, for watching judo, for watching the red sox win, James Bond and Midlake. I am thankful most of all that you are my friend.
I am thankful for the chicken shit contests. I am thankful for all of my neighbors, even though they might wake me up at 3 am singing at the top of their lungs (travis!). I am thankful that you tease me about not getting kissed in a long time, and that you have taught me to play pool. I am thankful that you will come running if something scares me, and that y'all root for auburn, even though you dont really care for them. War Eagle! I am thankful for my roast chicken crisps!
I am thankful for Sam in his desire to make his house perfect for when his wife gets out of the hospital. I am thankful for James for knowing what he wanted, and not being timid about making design decisions. I am thankful for Terry for not letting anybody tell him anything he did not want to hear. I am thankful for Mark, and that he is still trying, even though it seems like it is useless sometimes. I am thankful for Patience. I am thankful for Myra, for becoming such a good friend as well a fun client.
I am thankful that even though i was not able to see any of them, my family is healthy and for the most part all happy and in good places. I am thankful that my brother and his wife are having a little potato next month, who i cannot wait to meet. I am thankful that my other brother and his wife are trying to make a potato. I am thankful that my dad is healthy. I am thankful that my mom is healthy and that we are such good friends. I am thankful that i have family!
I am thankful for long baths in the morning, that my foot doesnt hurt too bad when i run, that i can take deloris on bike rides, even though i get scraped up some times. I am thankful that there are sweet potatoes, and greens, and pecan pies. I am thankful that daylight savings time has ended, and I am still thankful for that bridge.
I am thankful that it is getting cold outside, for the 3 turkeys i got to nibble off of yesterday, for Mary Poppins, for getting to see three of the people i love the most this week, Gabby, Abby and Dan.
I am thankful for getting to make 2 stupid short movies in Jackson, for grass angels, that the Jackson Museum of Art (or what ever they call that thing) has free admission, for Rainbow Supermarket, and for indian food. I am thankful that gas is still affordable, so i am able to go on adventures.
I am thankful that i have a really good friend on the coast. I am thankful for the camping trip, the shooting star, smores, conan, for ultimate frisbee, bad movies, for pomegranates, boiled peanuts, trips to alabama, and our trip to New Orleans. I am thankful for our study sessions, for watching judo, for watching the red sox win, James Bond and Midlake. I am thankful most of all that you are my friend.
I am thankful for the chicken shit contests. I am thankful for all of my neighbors, even though they might wake me up at 3 am singing at the top of their lungs (travis!). I am thankful that you tease me about not getting kissed in a long time, and that you have taught me to play pool. I am thankful that you will come running if something scares me, and that y'all root for auburn, even though you dont really care for them. War Eagle! I am thankful for my roast chicken crisps!
I am thankful for Sam in his desire to make his house perfect for when his wife gets out of the hospital. I am thankful for James for knowing what he wanted, and not being timid about making design decisions. I am thankful for Terry for not letting anybody tell him anything he did not want to hear. I am thankful for Mark, and that he is still trying, even though it seems like it is useless sometimes. I am thankful for Patience. I am thankful for Myra, for becoming such a good friend as well a fun client.
I am thankful that even though i was not able to see any of them, my family is healthy and for the most part all happy and in good places. I am thankful that my brother and his wife are having a little potato next month, who i cannot wait to meet. I am thankful that my other brother and his wife are trying to make a potato. I am thankful that my dad is healthy. I am thankful that my mom is healthy and that we are such good friends. I am thankful that i have family!
I am thankful for long baths in the morning, that my foot doesnt hurt too bad when i run, that i can take deloris on bike rides, even though i get scraped up some times. I am thankful that there are sweet potatoes, and greens, and pecan pies. I am thankful that daylight savings time has ended, and I am still thankful for that bridge.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
James's Porch
Yes, i am partially responsible for this. I got this assignment, that started out like most other projects.... Design a porch for James's house. His home was moved to this site, and had to be turned sideways to fit on the his house needed a new front. I made a simple gable roof coming off of the front, making a nice little porch.
well that did not sit well with James. He needed something funky, much like his awesome wardrobe. So, he drew me a picture in Microsoft Paint of what he wanted. I was at first not sure if he had gotten the perspective wrong, but no... he wanted a porch roof to go up higher than the roof of his house.
He had a vision, and no one was going to stop him. He needed help on how to build it.
So, I drew him up step by step construction instructions, and here it is!!!
I will post his drawings soon!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Good Bye Mr. Toe-Joe!
Mr. Toe-Joe, one of the old men from sweets passed away this week.
I don't know how old he was, but he was old. He would ride from the Villa Maria, the retirement home up the street, down to sweets on his hover round. He would have his awesome little dog, in his lap, i think it was a mix between a jack russel and a wiener dog. he would come in there every morning i think(i only saw him on the weekends, but i think it was a daily activity) and have a coke, and remove his oxygen tubes, and smoke a cigarette. He would have a beer every once in a while, but usually it was a coke. I would see him all over town. He was about as independant as one could be.
I saw him last saturday morning. He came in right when i got to work, which was later than usual, because i had a race that morning. I was wearing my running shorts and my sweaty ass tshirt. He said something to the effect of Hey there... i like your shorts...i like your legs better...
He was a funny man, always real sweet, and never afraid to hit on you . He reminded me of my grandpa a bit. My grandpa never hit on me, dont worry, but he did hit on all of our waitresses. He was also full of piss and vinegar like my grandpa.
Anyway, i will miss seeing ol' Mr. Toe-Joe every week. He always managed to make me smile and Sweets will not be the same without him.
I don't know how old he was, but he was old. He would ride from the Villa Maria, the retirement home up the street, down to sweets on his hover round. He would have his awesome little dog, in his lap, i think it was a mix between a jack russel and a wiener dog. he would come in there every morning i think(i only saw him on the weekends, but i think it was a daily activity) and have a coke, and remove his oxygen tubes, and smoke a cigarette. He would have a beer every once in a while, but usually it was a coke. I would see him all over town. He was about as independant as one could be.
I saw him last saturday morning. He came in right when i got to work, which was later than usual, because i had a race that morning. I was wearing my running shorts and my sweaty ass tshirt. He said something to the effect of Hey there... i like your shorts...i like your legs better...
He was a funny man, always real sweet, and never afraid to hit on you . He reminded me of my grandpa a bit. My grandpa never hit on me, dont worry, but he did hit on all of our waitresses. He was also full of piss and vinegar like my grandpa.
Anyway, i will miss seeing ol' Mr. Toe-Joe every week. He always managed to make me smile and Sweets will not be the same without him.
A House, 2 races, 2 movies, and camping!
This is going to be a real quick overview of the last few weeks, because i have pretty much sucked at documenting my life lately.
First and the coolest: Myra's house is out of the ground!!!
It was a blitz framing with hope force, hands on, habitat for humanity north virgina, and the center. It went up so quick, in only 2 days it went from just the floor decking to having a roof, windows and doors. It was a good 2 days and it was super neat to see myra's kids in their new rooms for the first time. Tyrique, her youngest son who is about 2 (he was born just before the hurricane i believe) his eyes got so big. I dont think he knew what to think at first, when he came up to the house with all of the hammers going, but when he found out that he was standing in his new room, he got this big smile on his face. Frederick, her oldest son even got to pitch in a little by helping to pick up some of the building trash after day 1.
The next big thing happening is that i have run in 2 5K races over the past 2 weeks. The first was the Scottish festival north of Gulfport. That one was fun, because it was my first race since junior high. I used to really suck at running then. Now i kind of like it, and i am doing well. I came in 3rd in my age group, and no, there were more than three of us running.

The one i ran yesterday, The Biloxi Mayor's Cup, well it about killed me for some unknown reason. I still feel a bit drained. I may still be fighting this cold a little. But i did manage to cut about a minute and a half off of my time (no trophy this time). I have one more next weekend at Stennis Space Center then i have a week off in my racing.
I also went camping for an evening last weekend which was most enjoyable. I managed to con a friend of mine into meeting me there. It was a super enjoyable night, including a shooting star and s'mores.
This past week was good for movies as well. I watched Mary Poppins for the first time in years, and if you haven't seen it in years, you should revisit it as well. I even went so far as downloading the sound track from I tunes. Highly recommended!!!!
I also watched the Casino Royale, my first bond movie i believe (this may be inaccurate, but i dont recall specifically watching another one, it could have happened and i could just not remember it was a bond movie) This was a fun movie to watch.
I guess those are the highlights, for now. I might give you some more later if i feel like it.
Well, i promise to have a big thanksgiving things i am thankful for list later this week!
First and the coolest: Myra's house is out of the ground!!!
The next big thing happening is that i have run in 2 5K races over the past 2 weeks. The first was the Scottish festival north of Gulfport. That one was fun, because it was my first race since junior high. I used to really suck at running then. Now i kind of like it, and i am doing well. I came in 3rd in my age group, and no, there were more than three of us running.

The one i ran yesterday, The Biloxi Mayor's Cup, well it about killed me for some unknown reason. I still feel a bit drained. I may still be fighting this cold a little. But i did manage to cut about a minute and a half off of my time (no trophy this time). I have one more next weekend at Stennis Space Center then i have a week off in my racing.
I also went camping for an evening last weekend which was most enjoyable. I managed to con a friend of mine into meeting me there. It was a super enjoyable night, including a shooting star and s'mores.
This past week was good for movies as well. I watched Mary Poppins for the first time in years, and if you haven't seen it in years, you should revisit it as well. I even went so far as downloading the sound track from I tunes. Highly recommended!!!!
I also watched the Casino Royale, my first bond movie i believe (this may be inaccurate, but i dont recall specifically watching another one, it could have happened and i could just not remember it was a bond movie) This was a fun movie to watch.
I guess those are the highlights, for now. I might give you some more later if i feel like it.
Well, i promise to have a big thanksgiving things i am thankful for list later this week!
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Things I am thankful for.
I have been doing this list every once in a while for a few months now. I can get so busy sometimes and I think it is important to take the time to remind myself of all of the great things that happen in my life. This list is in no particular order.
Chili Lunch from the Red Cross Fundraiser.
The many movie nights over the last few weeks.
The Bridge Opening
Getting to work on
Being able to run again
My long bike ride to the
Dressing my cat up like a chicken
Cooking dinner, and being able to share it with a friend.
I am not putting watching Decoys II on this list! (just kidding)
Higher Ground Coffee Roasters (God Bless Alabama)
Deloris, running around in circles
The Deep Fried Turkey at Sweets last weekend
My new sewing machine.
The new Robert Plant and Allison Krauss album
Newcastle Beer
I think i am going to end it here for today. I have a chicken shit contest to get ready for. Yeah!!!!
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