This has been one of the best birthday weeks I have ever had, especially in the lines of all of the stuff I got! Oh, I know it is not the best virtue, but I like presents! I dont by any means expect them, I just love them when I get them. Especially when they are special, which all of this year's were!
My dad sent me one of the paintings he recently made. My mom sent me this really cute bag for my laptop, and it has so many pockets. I got a nice smelling bar of soap(is this a hint?) and a handmaid wash cloth, a shirt with a picture drawn on it in sharpie, a very geometric tank top, a stack of cds, a little calender, cupcakes, a tallboy, biscuits, a bottle of champagne, a wonderful card, and a stack of sea glass, a viewing of a bad movie with some kind of special dinner(i think this is coming sunday) I think i am forgetting something, i dont mean to.
In addition to presents this week has been pretty amazing. It started off with the MLK parade here in Biloxi, then we got a new president, one that i am very proud of, then thursday night we had a siminar, which was great.
Last night my friends got to gether to sit around a fire. There were folks playing the guitar, and singing and playing the harmonica, and people made me cupcakes, and there were smores, and there was beer. it was really nice. There were so many people there. The cops even came, partially because of the noise, and probably more so because of the guy passed out on the sidewalk in front of my friends' house. It was a full night.
Tonight we are going to celebrate my friend Jeremy's birthday. I am really looking forward to it.
Well that is about it.