So, i might have either done the smartest thing i have ever done or the stupidest. Or atleast i should have had a helmet on. But. i am still alive. What did i do? Well, for a while now, i have not been able to physically wear out my dog, and today i think i have, if not i am close!
I am not going to say what i did yet.... i am going to tell you more about my dog and her massive amounts of energy!
I began running, because she needed an outlet for all of that energy, but i have yet to be able to wear her out. She gets bored, and destructive. She also can get very annoying. I have been reading this book by the dog whisperer, and although it is amazingly insightful, i was always stuck, because it said that you need to exercise your dog until they are pooped. Well, i haven't been able to do that. So i have not been able to have my dog in a calm, exhausted state. The book even suggests getting a treadmill for your dog?!?!?! I can understand the frustration, but who can afford a tread mill for a dog? wha?!?!?!?
So, over the past few weeks, i have been thinking. i have been pondering. i have been scheming. Throwing a little doubt that i would live through the thought, i delayed my action until this morning. You see... I went out drinking last night because my friend sam was leaving. I dont really like run after i have been drinking. so i looked over this morning while i was reading the news online... i looked over to my left.. to the front of my living room, and i thought. I thought hard. Should i do it? Deloris is super hyper today. should i? is this a good day to try this? should i try taking her on a run first? NO! I AM GOING TO DO THIS.... i put my bicycle out side, grabbed deloris and her leash, and walked out side. with her leash in my hand, i walked my bike to the road, and got on. She was about a foot away from me. I began to pedal... she looked a little afraid of my front wheel. I was glad, i was a little worried she was going to try to bite it. Any way, we picked up speed... my mind was running through plans of what i would do if she tried to take off. We picked up speed more, she was there by my side, not focusing on anything else but where my bike was, she did not pull, she did not look around, she did not try to mark the territory that is not hers.
IT WAS WORKING! I was wearing her out... quickly and completely. She was having a great time... and i was not dying due to my debauchery last night.
We went around the loop that we usually run, we got home, i gave her some water. and we went back out again. we went down town, i was trying to be careful not to over do it, but i think we could have made that loop twice. but, tomorrow, we will make the loop on the bike, and then maybe a little more, then we can run it. that way i still get my run in, and Deloris, well she gets worn out!!!! AWESOME!!!!!
So, this was just the first time.... it could turn bad, the second she thinks she should chase after a squirrel. But right now... she is laying on the ground next to my feet, panting, and relaxed, and happy! And me... well, i dont feel like i am going to die... i could use going back to bed... but this is not a big deal!!!! DELORIS IS TIRED!!!!!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Spam Poetry
Taking a nod from the guys at, i decided to write my own spam poetry
I call it...

This was the room where she had died.
300,000 satisfied men
Smiling to you, dear;
Arlene turned to me,
raising her brows like a pair of question marks.
Would you try anything once?
Its subtle, whatever it is.
Everything becomes peaceful after this stuff
I never joined up to ride on tigers
I call it...
This was the room where she had died.
300,000 satisfied men
Smiling to you, dear;
Arlene turned to me,
raising her brows like a pair of question marks.
Would you try anything once?
Its subtle, whatever it is.
Everything becomes peaceful after this stuff
I never joined up to ride on tigers
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
I'm in the news paper!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
soccer and a few videos everyone should check out!
Last night, i played soccer with a bunch of my buddies from hands on. I am not that good, but man it was so much fun... and now i am a little sore. I hope to play every monday. also starting next week, i am going to start playing ultimate frisbee. with the hands on crew. i have never played that, but it is every tuesday, so i will see if i can get my monday and tuesday nights off every week so i can participate in some activities that will make me sweat, and get out a bunch of energy.
also, a friend of mine has a friend that makes these great videos. (i know how dorky that sounds) the maker of these videos visited sweets lounge a few months ago... here he is, his name is Gio, and as i recall, he was a very nice man:
I dont remember his lady friend's name... sorry?!?! but she was really nice as well, and wearing a great dress with this awesome cut out ring... you can see it on the hand holding the corona.
anyway... he and a few of his friends are making a series of videos called "whats the big idea?"
Every week, the group of short movie makers(that is not referring to their height but to the length of their movies) takes suggestions from their viewers for the subject of their film. they are doing this for a learn more about the premis of this series go here:
alright so here are a few of my favorites that i have wached so far:
Big Idea #19: Batman, Underpants, and Broken Hearts
This is probably my favorite one i have watched so far. It is so sad. but very well thought out.
Big Idea #14: Spam Poetry
(Featuring my friend Will) This is the funniest idea ever. and also very well executed.
The Great Race
This is the newest of the "whats the big idea" series, and it is pretty hilarious as well.
alright... enjoy!
I will be putting a link to their website on my website this week.... so if you loose this post, just remember you can go to my website and find the glory again.
also, a friend of mine has a friend that makes these great videos. (i know how dorky that sounds) the maker of these videos visited sweets lounge a few months ago... here he is, his name is Gio, and as i recall, he was a very nice man:
I dont remember his lady friend's name... sorry?!?! but she was really nice as well, and wearing a great dress with this awesome cut out ring... you can see it on the hand holding the corona.
anyway... he and a few of his friends are making a series of videos called "whats the big idea?"
Every week, the group of short movie makers(that is not referring to their height but to the length of their movies) takes suggestions from their viewers for the subject of their film. they are doing this for a learn more about the premis of this series go here:
alright so here are a few of my favorites that i have wached so far:
Big Idea #19: Batman, Underpants, and Broken Hearts
This is probably my favorite one i have watched so far. It is so sad. but very well thought out.
Big Idea #14: Spam Poetry
(Featuring my friend Will) This is the funniest idea ever. and also very well executed.
The Great Race
This is the newest of the "whats the big idea" series, and it is pretty hilarious as well.
alright... enjoy!
I will be putting a link to their website on my website this week.... so if you loose this post, just remember you can go to my website and find the glory again.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
crazy good weekend so far
I have had a great weekend... so far... and it is not over yet!
Friday, my weekend started with me going to get drinks and dinner with my office mates at los tres amigos, which was much better than El Raunchy(el ranchero) , then i went shopping a little bit, then i went home, and took deloris down to the beach. I let her off of the leash, which i usually do not do, and it was the funniest thing i think i have seen in a long time. She just ran back and forth full speed. It was great! then we ran back home(that is once i finally ccaught her again) She was worn out, and it was awesome!
I spent some time updating my website, then went to bed.
Yesterday, i woke up raring to go! I got so much stuff done yesterday! i packaged up some orders, went grocery shoping, cleaned out my car really well... you know, the basics. Then i took a nap. It was glorious. I love naps.
I headed for Bay St. Louis and ate lunch at the Mockingbird cafe. I had the scout sandwich which was turkey and avacado, and a good sauce.
I walked around BSL for a while then went to look at a few houses in Biloxi. I found 2 houses that i liked, now i just need a roommate!
That afternoon I picked up W. and we headed west to New Orleans to see Two Gallants. We were starving when we got there but it was almost time for the show to start, so, we had to get quick food. W got red beans, and i got a veggie muffalata which was pretty much just an olive sandwich. We were going to eat while we were walking back to the House of Blues, but it prooved its self to be a bit difficult. So, we found a stoop and ate our dinner.

Dinner was so good, but it was messy!!!! here is some of my sandwich on the ground!
We finally made it to the show, only to find out that they were just finishing W's favorite song. :(
But the Two Gallants definately were awesome. I would recomend them any time. (they are playing in ATL at the Unicorn on October 8. go see them!)
They played with Against Me! And i will have a post about that later on. I as not a big fan of them, and they definitely had that Florida Sound.
Friday, my weekend started with me going to get drinks and dinner with my office mates at los tres amigos, which was much better than El Raunchy(el ranchero) , then i went shopping a little bit, then i went home, and took deloris down to the beach. I let her off of the leash, which i usually do not do, and it was the funniest thing i think i have seen in a long time. She just ran back and forth full speed. It was great! then we ran back home(that is once i finally ccaught her again) She was worn out, and it was awesome!
I spent some time updating my website, then went to bed.
Yesterday, i woke up raring to go! I got so much stuff done yesterday! i packaged up some orders, went grocery shoping, cleaned out my car really well... you know, the basics. Then i took a nap. It was glorious. I love naps.
I headed for Bay St. Louis and ate lunch at the Mockingbird cafe. I had the scout sandwich which was turkey and avacado, and a good sauce.
That afternoon I picked up W. and we headed west to New Orleans to see Two Gallants. We were starving when we got there but it was almost time for the show to start, so, we had to get quick food. W got red beans, and i got a veggie muffalata which was pretty much just an olive sandwich. We were going to eat while we were walking back to the House of Blues, but it prooved its self to be a bit difficult. So, we found a stoop and ate our dinner.
Dinner was so good, but it was messy!!!! here is some of my sandwich on the ground!
We finally made it to the show, only to find out that they were just finishing W's favorite song. :(
But the Two Gallants definately were awesome. I would recomend them any time. (they are playing in ATL at the Unicorn on October 8. go see them!)
They played with Against Me! And i will have a post about that later on. I as not a big fan of them, and they definitely had that Florida Sound.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Captains log of good things during the past week
So i am going to try to write an end of the week review of only the good things that have happened.
1) even though i knwo it was exactly a week ago, but i found out that i have a little niece on the way.... glorious
2) I got my clothes line up and working again, and i have actually used it quite a bit. I have done a few loads of laundry, and i have taken pictures of my baby shirts.
3) I got my pictures of my baby shirts loaded on and i have actually sold a few, already
4) I watched deloris eat t-rex
5) I almost beat travis at pool last night
6) my house is impeccably clean.
7) I have heard from several old friends
8) i was given some flounder
9) I cooked some flounder
10) i ate 2 meals of flounder
11) I had avacado bubble tea at lunch today
12) I finished harry potter(bitter sweet,but i guess still good)
13) I have revamped my website
14) got to go to a beach party with a bon fire
15) we are half way to building the white picket fence (more info)
16) My dad sent me the recipe for his pancakes, which are the best in the whole world.
17) There is a Kangaroo jumping around Bay St. Louis
18) I am going to see Two Gallants tomorrow night in New Orleans
19) My house is very very very clean
20) my landlord is finally getting rid of the squirrels running around in my attic and walls
21) Deloris is not going to be scratching at the walls any more trying to get to the squirrels in the walls.
22) i painted my toe nails.
23) My Darondo CD came in! he is bad ass.
24) I have finished the graham street house
25) Deloris is getting good at heeling, and sitting, and laying down. I am trying to teach her to shake...and she seems really confused... which is really cute.
26) I hung out with a friend on Monday Night and had good discussions about life.
27) the article about zenorschnitzel was not published this week, but will be next week, because they have decided to run it in color.
28) I found a neat chair on the side of the road.
Things i am looking forward to in the next week:
1) Packaging tshirts to ship out
2) working on my webpage some more
3) finishing myra's house... again(probably tomorrow or sunday)
4) riding to New Orleans with a friend and seeing two gallants, and against me in New Orleans.
5) working on my next tshirt
6) working on a secret project that i should have done a year ago. sorry SOA?!?!
7) working on again.
8) making something tasty
9) sending out postcards to buddies
10) altering a chair or two that i found.
1) even though i knwo it was exactly a week ago, but i found out that i have a little niece on the way.... glorious
2) I got my clothes line up and working again, and i have actually used it quite a bit. I have done a few loads of laundry, and i have taken pictures of my baby shirts.
3) I got my pictures of my baby shirts loaded on and i have actually sold a few, already
4) I watched deloris eat t-rex
5) I almost beat travis at pool last night
6) my house is impeccably clean.
7) I have heard from several old friends
8) i was given some flounder
9) I cooked some flounder
10) i ate 2 meals of flounder
11) I had avacado bubble tea at lunch today
12) I finished harry potter(bitter sweet,but i guess still good)
13) I have revamped my website
14) got to go to a beach party with a bon fire
15) we are half way to building the white picket fence (more info)
16) My dad sent me the recipe for his pancakes, which are the best in the whole world.
17) There is a Kangaroo jumping around Bay St. Louis
18) I am going to see Two Gallants tomorrow night in New Orleans
19) My house is very very very clean
20) my landlord is finally getting rid of the squirrels running around in my attic and walls
21) Deloris is not going to be scratching at the walls any more trying to get to the squirrels in the walls.
22) i painted my toe nails.
23) My Darondo CD came in! he is bad ass.
24) I have finished the graham street house
25) Deloris is getting good at heeling, and sitting, and laying down. I am trying to teach her to shake...and she seems really confused... which is really cute.
26) I hung out with a friend on Monday Night and had good discussions about life.
27) the article about zenorschnitzel was not published this week, but will be next week, because they have decided to run it in color.
28) I found a neat chair on the side of the road.
Things i am looking forward to in the next week:
1) Packaging tshirts to ship out
2) working on my webpage some more
3) finishing myra's house... again(probably tomorrow or sunday)
4) riding to New Orleans with a friend and seeing two gallants, and against me in New Orleans.
5) working on my next tshirt
6) working on a secret project that i should have done a year ago. sorry SOA?!?!
7) working on again.
8) making something tasty
9) sending out postcards to buddies
10) altering a chair or two that i found.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Kangaroo in Bay St. Louis??!!??!!??
So there is a 4 foot tall kangaroo bouncing around Bay St. Louis Mississippi! Whaaaaa?
So there is a 4 foot tall kangaroo bouncing around Bay St. Louis Mississippi! Whaaaaa?
I am at a loss
I just woke up, and i am doing things out of my normal order. I will see what happens... But ultimately, the biggest change is that i am not sitting on my couch reading Harry Potter.( i promise this is my last post about harry potter until i see the movies) I feel a bit strange. All of my free time has been revolving around HP, and although this is good, because it is getting me back into the habit of reading, my life also has an air of shock around it from being cut of from something that was occupying my life so much, almost like breaking up with a boyfriend or something. but it is not as negative as that. I dont know....
So, i have two books in the line up... One is the dog whisperer book(because i have to get my dominating little pooch under control) and the other is Dr. Gilbert mason's book. I also have a stack of magazines from this month and last that have just been piling up lately. So, what i think i will do, is go walk my little pup, and then sit and read my dog book. Then go to work. I like that i have time to read... ah.
thanks harry potter, and good bye.
So, i have two books in the line up... One is the dog whisperer book(because i have to get my dominating little pooch under control) and the other is Dr. Gilbert mason's book. I also have a stack of magazines from this month and last that have just been piling up lately. So, what i think i will do, is go walk my little pup, and then sit and read my dog book. Then go to work. I like that i have time to read... ah.
thanks harry potter, and good bye.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
New Website!!! Wahoo!
I have updated the look. I will be working on it pretty hard core over the next week or so!!!
Harry Potter update: it is getting scarry... I am pretty engrossed in the story. I only have 125 pages left or so. It is really difficult to make my self put it down. Ahhh... I really just need to finish it, then my life can return to normal!
Monday, August 06, 2007
Clothes line is back in working order!
So yesterday morning i made my clothsline tougher. I pulled out the existing clothes line poles, and dug about a foot and a half deeper... filled it up with concrete, reset the poles and now i have a clothes line again. YEAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So i was going to hang some clothes out this morning, and test it out... well.. i thought it would be wise to check the weather... and this is what i saw:

By the way... what is the difference between isolated and scattered when you are discussing thunderstorms and showers?
So i was going to hang some clothes out this morning, and test it out... well.. i thought it would be wise to check the weather... and this is what i saw:
By the way... what is the difference between isolated and scattered when you are discussing thunderstorms and showers?
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Oh... geeze it is late!
That is relative i should note. I was just sitting here, making a to do list for the day... drinking my coffee... looking around the internet a little... and i was like i will surf around till 7am... that is my usual cut off in the morning, before i get up an start really moving.. then i looked down at my clock.. and it is 8:47!!! What???? i guess i got up later than i thought! eh... well, i had better get at it then. lots to do today!
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Deloris vs. T-Rex
i had the night off from sweets, which is probably my first Friday night off. It was Eddie's birthday, so they had this big cook out for him last night. Those cook outs at Eddie's House are always a lot of fun. I get to see a lot of people, and it is relaxing, and pleasant.... Thank you Eddie, Sue, and Amy for having a cook out, and a great gathering spot! Well... That is not what i really wanted to blog about at the moment.
Deloris, my sweet little angel puppy, got a nice present yesterday! I went and got her a few toys, one being a T-Rex toy. Besides being suprised that they had a T-Rex toy for dogs instead of the normal fire hydrant or cat, i was pretty excited about it, because, most people who know me, know i like dinosaurs. I get dinosaur toys and books for nephew and neice every gift giving occasion. So now i got to give one to Deloris. I think she liked it as well. Here is the proof:

Victory is Deloris's!!!!
Deloris, my sweet little angel puppy, got a nice present yesterday! I went and got her a few toys, one being a T-Rex toy. Besides being suprised that they had a T-Rex toy for dogs instead of the normal fire hydrant or cat, i was pretty excited about it, because, most people who know me, know i like dinosaurs. I get dinosaur toys and books for nephew and neice every gift giving occasion. So now i got to give one to Deloris. I think she liked it as well. Here is the proof:
Victory is Deloris's!!!!
Friday, August 03, 2007
Oh...Geeze! How could i forget? A potato!
So, i am going to be an aunt, again. My big brother Johnny(the youngest, besides me) and his wife Rosie, are going to be having a baby. I have known this for a little while... but i found out yesterday that it is going to be a little girl! i am pretty excited about this. Ohhh.. that little thing is going to be so spoiled by her aunt jessie. I am going to be getting a picture in the mail of the little potato and i will put it online as soon as i get it. They have not decided on a name yet, but i like the ideas they have been tossing around. I will leave that to another post when i find out what the name is. Due date is December 30! weeee....
Wahoo.... Myra's House is Saved!
So, i thought i had finished Myra's house before i left, but when i returned, i found out that it was bigger than funding would allow, and i admit, it was a bit generous in size, but still modest. I have taken away 200sq/ft and now, myra gets her awesome roof back, and the clerestories. Yeah!!!! I will be posting images of the new and improved Myra house soon! just wanted everyone to know how excited i am.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Harry Potter... I am coming.... I promise!!!
I just finished reading the 6th book, and i think i am going to get the seventh tomorrow. I just cant wait. Eh..... So, harry, hermione, ron, ginny and all of the rest of you... just wait.. we will be reunited for the final book tomorrow.
I feel a bit lost at the moment. I guess i will just start reading something as i fall asleep.
so good night, be well, and do good works!
I feel a bit lost at the moment. I guess i will just start reading something as i fall asleep.
so good night, be well, and do good works!
My Heart Goes Out!
Many of the people i love and work with are from Minneapolis, and it has been a stressful several hours for them. As far as we know, everyone here and their families are safe, i just hope that we continue to have the same fate. My heart goes out to everyone who is affected by this tragedy. I will keep you in my thoughts.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Harry Potter has a hold on me! And a lot of people heart Biloxi
The new I heart Biloxi shirts are selling really quickly! Thanks everyone... I might have to get a reprint soon! Biloxi Hearts all of you as well! We might be able to start on the first project next weekend if it keeps going like this! You all are awesome! and I am running out of Stamps! but that is a problem i am happy with!
I am still feeling the happy affects of seeing my friends and i have learned that i need to do that more often.
Harry Potter has got a hold of me once more. I am on the 6th book right now, and in my usual Harry Potter style, it will not last me more than a week. Hell, it might not make it past tonight.
I have very happy memories of these books in general.... The first four held my attention every morning and evening for about 2 or 3 weeks on the front porch of the Morrisette House in Greensboro Alabama when i was a second year student.
The 5th book was given to me by my mom, for thanksgiving or something like that, anyway.... i spent a lot of time sitting on the back porch of her apartment in rocking chairs, and laying on the couch that i grew up on with my nose in the book. That lasted about 3 days.
So, now i am reading the Half-Blood Prince. It is feeling good. I started it in Auburn, on my mom's front porch, and i have been reading pretty religiously here at my house, and at the bar. It feels even better because this is the first book that i will finish since i have been on the coast, which is pretty horrible.
Hopefully between this book and the final book, i will be back in the swing of reading. I have a lot of things to read that are backing up on me.
Oh well, time for me to go take a cold shower (my hot water heater is messed up) sad!
Alright, well, have a good day all who read this!
I am still feeling the happy affects of seeing my friends and i have learned that i need to do that more often.
Harry Potter has got a hold of me once more. I am on the 6th book right now, and in my usual Harry Potter style, it will not last me more than a week. Hell, it might not make it past tonight.
I have very happy memories of these books in general.... The first four held my attention every morning and evening for about 2 or 3 weeks on the front porch of the Morrisette House in Greensboro Alabama when i was a second year student.
The 5th book was given to me by my mom, for thanksgiving or something like that, anyway.... i spent a lot of time sitting on the back porch of her apartment in rocking chairs, and laying on the couch that i grew up on with my nose in the book. That lasted about 3 days.
So, now i am reading the Half-Blood Prince. It is feeling good. I started it in Auburn, on my mom's front porch, and i have been reading pretty religiously here at my house, and at the bar. It feels even better because this is the first book that i will finish since i have been on the coast, which is pretty horrible.
Hopefully between this book and the final book, i will be back in the swing of reading. I have a lot of things to read that are backing up on me.
Oh well, time for me to go take a cold shower (my hot water heater is messed up) sad!
Alright, well, have a good day all who read this!
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