Friday, my weekend started with me going to get drinks and dinner with my office mates at los tres amigos, which was much better than El Raunchy(el ranchero) , then i went shopping a little bit, then i went home, and took deloris down to the beach. I let her off of the leash, which i usually do not do, and it was the funniest thing i think i have seen in a long time. She just ran back and forth full speed. It was great! then we ran back home(that is once i finally ccaught her again) She was worn out, and it was awesome!
I spent some time updating my website, then went to bed.
Yesterday, i woke up raring to go! I got so much stuff done yesterday! i packaged up some orders, went grocery shoping, cleaned out my car really well... you know, the basics. Then i took a nap. It was glorious. I love naps.
I headed for Bay St. Louis and ate lunch at the Mockingbird cafe. I had the scout sandwich which was turkey and avacado, and a good sauce.
That afternoon I picked up W. and we headed west to New Orleans to see Two Gallants. We were starving when we got there but it was almost time for the show to start, so, we had to get quick food. W got red beans, and i got a veggie muffalata which was pretty much just an olive sandwich. We were going to eat while we were walking back to the House of Blues, but it prooved its self to be a bit difficult. So, we found a stoop and ate our dinner.
Dinner was so good, but it was messy!!!! here is some of my sandwich on the ground!
We finally made it to the show, only to find out that they were just finishing W's favorite song. :(
But the Two Gallants definately were awesome. I would recomend them any time. (they are playing in ATL at the Unicorn on October 8. go see them!)
They played with Against Me! And i will have a post about that later on. I as not a big fan of them, and they definitely had that Florida Sound.
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