Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Love is Good!

Love is good!  I am so thankful for it, in my life, with the love I give and receive between friends and lovers, and the love my friends give and receive between their friends and lovers.  I am also thankful for the love my neighbors give and receive between their friends and lovers.  I am thankful for the love that the people of this world give and receive between their friends and lovers. 

I think it is strange that there are people who fear others love.  I think it is strange that anyone can say a person's love one person is better than another's love for someone else.   Love is personal, intimate, and cannot be judged by anyone else.  We can only be thankful that it exists. 

Fear and hate are the opposite of love.  Even with tolerance, fear and judgment  exists.  We need to learn to accept and be grateful that love exists where it does.  It is special when it occurs, and never should be condemned or diminished by anyone! 

Let us, as the United States of America, join together and be thankful for the love that surrounds us, within our own relationships, our communities, and our country! 

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