Monday, August 27, 2012

Movie Night at the Ugly Green House

When I was house hunting a year ago, I couldn't help but notice the big flat wall standing tall above my fence in my neighbors yard.  Some would think of it as a little intrusive, and overwhelming.  I saw it as an opportunity!

I knew it would make a great movie screen!  A wonderful way to watch a movie with my friends.  This past weekend we watched the Hunger Games, a movie that is great for the big screen. 

We rigged up a platform for the projector and the dvd player, and hooked up the modern sound system!  Yep, this is how we do it here in Mississippi.  

What do our neighbors think?  Well, until this last weekend, I am not sure they even knew.  But, Sunday night, someone was out on their balcony, and probably couldn't help but notice that there were twenty people in chairs staring at their house, along with a big bright light.   They waved.  I think that means they approve! 

On past weekends, we watched Jaws and the very first Star Wars movie.  

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