Thursday, May 08, 2008

My Current Work and a Berry Pickin Good Tme

Yesterday was a pretty amazing day all around. I have been riding my bike to work lately, over the Biloxi Bay Bridge, and that is how yesterday started. The view from the bridge, over the bay and out to the barrier islands is incredible. There are sea birds that fly right over your head or along with you as you cross. There is a strong breeze that smells of the salt. And, weirdly enough there is a community that is beginning to form up there. Since they have opened the pedestrian bridge in April, there are so many people who use it for exercise. And i mean so many people. In the morning it is not so congested, but in the afternoons, I have to keep my brakes on the entire time. So. It is a four mile ride from my office to my house, and that is how i started off my day yesterday, with a breathtaking, breezy and refreshing ride to my office.

At work, I have been wrapping up a lot of stuff lately, which feels amazing. For the first time in a long time, I was actually in need of some extra work. Instead of taking on projects that push me over the limit of capacity, which i actually like the feeling of, i was having to take projects to get me to capacaty. So now, i have 6 projects i am working on.

1) Reynoir Street Improvment Program. The Imperial Palace has given the center some money to fix up Reynoir Street. I have been spear heading the organization of this project, but it is kind of at a stand still at the moment.

2) Hands On Shade Structures Hands On received a grant from Singing For Change (Jimmy Buffet's Charity Organization) to make several shade structures along the coast, each of them showcasing hundreds of ceramic tiles painted by school children on the coast. I am helping them out on the project, and hopefully we are breaking ground on the first one this week. Below is the design for the first one. Each one will be different. I cannot wait to see these come up. So far, they have been really fun to work on.

3) Robert's House. I was assigned to this project yesterday, and I am meeting with Robert today, but I am pretty excited about this house. It will be my first one that is elevated high enough to park under. This project is also special because it will be the third elevated house to come out of our office on that street.

4) Jewel's House. This is also a new project. I met with the family last week. We are working to develop a program at the moment, so, no pictures for this one.

5) Habitat Development Project. This is another project that I was assigned yesterday. Habitat is working on a large scale subdivision, and my first task on this project is to help them look at different housing strategies on the site. So, no pictures for this one either.

6) Bobby and Maria's House. I have had this project for a little while, and i have been steadily working on it, but until recently, I have not had too much time to devote to it. I have a floor plan that is approved by the home owners, but we are still working out the elevations. Below are pictures of their existing house, which is set to be demolished soon, and the front elevation that I have currently for this house.

In another post I will go into all of the projects and things I have been working on lately that have kind of finished up.

That was the fun at work yesterday, oh, that and that I rode around East Biloxi on my bike and took updated pictures of all of my house projects.

After work was super nice yesterday. I joined up with a few of my friends, Sarah, Ian, and Emily, and we went black berry pickin at the golf course behind Hands On. Oh my goodness I got so many black berries. I am so excited about what i am going to do with all of them. I had a handful of the sweet things with yogurt for breakfast this morning. I plan to make a cobbler out of them soon. Maybe Sunday morning before my kayaking adventure. I will post pictures of this as soon as i get them.

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