Sunday, September 03, 2006

online resume exhibit - a call for entries

Call For Entries
I am holding a resume online exhibit here at zenorschnitzel. This exhibit is to begin looking at the way we make resumes. Resume design has been static for...well... ever, and it is time that changes.


there are no color requirements, it can be black and white or full color.
There are no medium requirements. They can be on printer paper, internet, welded metal, grass... anything.
They should probably be able to be reproduced or represented easily, so you can give them to your future employer, you know... so you can get a job... that is the point of a resume.

Deadline is October 1, 2006

How to enter:
Send entry to me in an email via pictures, link, pdf, what ever you got. Click here to email me.

So, Who gets in the Exhibit?
I will look at the resumes....The ones that look like regular resumes will not appear online. I will notify everyone when they are posted. This is a Juried exhibit.

Are you still asking your self.... what is she talking about?
here is a link to my resume. This is getting redone soon, because things have changed, and well... it is just plain a little sloppy. But... it is an example.

Please Send your resumes to me no later than October 1st.

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