Tuesday, August 28, 2007


So, i might have either done the smartest thing i have ever done or the stupidest. Or atleast i should have had a helmet on. But. i am still alive. What did i do? Well, for a while now, i have not been able to physically wear out my dog, and today i think i have, if not i am close!

I am not going to say what i did yet.... i am going to tell you more about my dog and her massive amounts of energy!

I began running, because she needed an outlet for all of that energy, but i have yet to be able to wear her out. She gets bored, and destructive. She also can get very annoying. I have been reading this book by the dog whisperer, and although it is amazingly insightful, i was always stuck, because it said that you need to exercise your dog until they are pooped. Well, i haven't been able to do that. So i have not been able to have my dog in a calm, exhausted state. The book even suggests getting a treadmill for your dog?!?!?! I can understand the frustration, but who can afford a tread mill for a dog? wha?!?!?!?

So, over the past few weeks, i have been thinking. i have been pondering. i have been scheming. Throwing a little doubt that i would live through the thought, i delayed my action until this morning. You see... I went out drinking last night because my friend sam was leaving. I dont really like run after i have been drinking. so i looked over this morning while i was reading the news online... i looked over to my left.. to the front of my living room, and i thought. I thought hard. Should i do it? Deloris is super hyper today. should i? is this a good day to try this? should i try taking her on a run first? NO! I AM GOING TO DO THIS.... i put my bicycle out side, grabbed deloris and her leash, and walked out side. with her leash in my hand, i walked my bike to the road, and got on. She was about a foot away from me. I began to pedal... she looked a little afraid of my front wheel. I was glad, i was a little worried she was going to try to bite it. Any way, we picked up speed... my mind was running through plans of what i would do if she tried to take off. We picked up speed more, she was there by my side, not focusing on anything else but where my bike was, she did not pull, she did not look around, she did not try to mark the territory that is not hers.
IT WAS WORKING! I was wearing her out... quickly and completely. She was having a great time... and i was not dying due to my debauchery last night.

We went around the loop that we usually run, we got home, i gave her some water. and we went back out again. we went down town, i was trying to be careful not to over do it, but i think we could have made that loop twice. but, tomorrow, we will make the loop on the bike, and then maybe a little more, then we can run it. that way i still get my run in, and Deloris, well she gets worn out!!!! AWESOME!!!!!

So, this was just the first time.... it could turn bad, the second she thinks she should chase after a squirrel. But right now... she is laying on the ground next to my feet, panting, and relaxed, and happy! And me... well, i dont feel like i am going to die... i could use going back to bed... but this is not a big deal!!!! DELORIS IS TIRED!!!!!

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